Some improvement on an Upstart article Tobacco tax: A double-edged sword



After searching for the online articles, I chose a story posted on Upstart with a headline Tobacco tax: A double-edged sword, which focuses on the effect of the policy as well as the impact on young Australians. I also found another article about the same topic on ABC News Online Tobacco tax increase flagged as possible revenue option for Federal budget.

Although the Upstart’s story has an attractive headline that catches readers’ eyes and interactive-features where readers can comment by leaving a reply below, there is also a lot of areas for improvement on this article.

To improve the scannability of the text, I would try to add some subheadings such as “the policy””hard to give up” “diminish returns” to give the readers numerous points into the news.It would also give readers an idea of what they are getting.

Browsing the whole article is a little boring because there is not a video or a picture. The multimedia content can make it easier to attract reader’s reading interest and for readers to understand. I would add one or two smoking related pictures or a bar chart to illustrate the data mentioned in the article.

( Congying Li,  SID:450487970, Word count: 199)

2 thoughts on “Some improvement on an Upstart article Tobacco tax: A double-edged sword

  1. Great observations Congying! I agree with you that sub-headings will improve the scannability of the article since it involves a lot of text. Like you mentioned, visual aids such as pictures or a chart presenting the statistics cited, will also increase its appeal to readers. I would like to add that bullet points on the side will also help the audience in taking note of the important points of the story. Lastly, with regards to the story content, I suggest that a short interview with a medical expert on the ill effects of smoking will make the article more comprehensive.


    • Thank you so much! I really agree with you that a medical expert on the ill effects of smoking can be add to this article. I have mentioned this point in my report. Thanks!


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